
Labels are used for displaying text in the GUI.

from appJar import gui

app = gui()

app.addLabel("l1", "Label 1")
app.addLabel("l2", "Label 2")
app.addLabel("l3", "Label 3")
app.addLabel("l4", "Label 4")
# common set functions
app.setLabelBg("l1", "red")
app.setLabelBg("l2", "yellow")
app.setLabelBg("l3", "purple")
app.setLabelBg("l4", "orange")


Add Labels


from appJar import gui

app = gui()

app.addFlashLabel("f1", "This is flashing")
app.addLabel("f2", "This is not flashing")
app.addFlashLabel("f3", "This is also flashing")


Set Labels

Get Labels

Auto-Labelled Widgets

It's possible to automatically include a label alongside a lot of the widgets.
Both the label and widget will be placed in the same grid space.
Simply add the word Label to the command when adding the widget:

See the relevant section for a description of what the widget does.