Grid (beta)

Used to create a spreadsheet like interface.
The grid has mouse interactivity, with mouse-over highlighting, and mouse-click highlighting.
It is possible to include buttons at the end of each row, and an additional row of entry boxes, with their own button.


from appJar import gui

app = gui()
    [["Name", "Age", "Gender"],
    ["Fred", 45, "Male"],
    ["Tina", 37, "Female"],
    ["Clive", 28, "Male"],
    ["Betty", 51, "Female"]])

Add Grids

Connecting to Databases

Get Grids

Set Grids

To have the Press button on the entries row add a new row of data, try the following:

    def press(btn):
        if btn == "addRow":     # the button on the entries row
            data = app.getGridEntries("g1")
            app.addGridRow("g1", data)