
appJar includes a number of properties that can be configured to change how the GUI looks/acts.
These are exposed as properties, so can be set uing the assignment operator, =.

app.title = "Property Demo" = "red"
app.fg = "yellow"

If you want to set multiple properties at once, there is a configure() function to support this:

app.configure(bg='red', fg='yellow', font={'size':20, 'family':'Helvetica'})

Nearly all properties can be got in the same way:

app.label('sizeLab', app.size)
app.label('locLab', app.location)
app.label('transLab', app.transparency)

GUI Settings

Property Data type Description
title string Pass a string to display in the title bar of the GUI
icon string Pass the path to an icon file, to display in the title bar - only works on Windows.
transparency integer Pass a percentage (between 0 & 100) to set the transparency, of the GUI (not on Linux).
visible boolean Pass a boolean to hide or show the GUI.
top boolean Pass a boolean to keep the GUI on top or not.


Property Data type Description
padding integer (list) Pass a tuple containing the x & y padding or a single integer for both x & y
inPadding integer (list) Pass a tuple containing the x & y padding or a single integer for both x & y
guiPadding integer (list) Pass a tuple containing the x & y padding or a single integer for both x & y

Size & Location

Property Data type Description
size integer (list) Pass a tuple containing the width & height (or the string fullscreen)
location integer (list) Pass a tuple containing the x & y coordinates (or the string CENTER)
fullscreen boolean Pass either True or False, to enter/exit fullscreen.
resizable boolean Pass either True or False, to set the GUI resizable or not.

Grid Properties

Property Data type Description
sticky string Pass a string describing which sides widegts should stick to (news).
stretch string Pass a string describing if rows/columns should stretch, to fill the entire GUI.
row integer Gets or sets the next row number to be used.


Property Data type Description
fg string Pass a colour to use for the text colour of all label style widgets.
bg string Pass a colour to use for the background of all label style widgets.
font integer/dict Pass either a font size, or a dictionary of font properties to use for all widgets.
buttonFont integer/dict Pass either a font size, or dicitonary of font properties to use for all button style widgets.
labelFont integer/dict Pass either a font size, or a dictionary of font properties to use for all label style widgets.
statusFont integer/dict Pass either a font size, or a dictionary of font properties to use for the statusbar.
ttkTheme string Only available in ttk mode - pass the name of the ttk theme you want to use.
fonts string (list) (no SETTER) Returns a list of all available fonts.


Property Data type Description
editMenu Boolean Enables and disables the right-click edit menu for text based widgets.
stopFunction function (no GETTER) Sets a function to call when the GUI is closed.
startFunction function (no GETTER) Sets a function to call when the GUI starts up.
fastStop Boolean Set this to True if you have a LOT of widgets, and stopping appJar has gotten slow (doesn't work from IDLE).
enterKey function (no GETTER) Sets or disables (pass None) a function bound to the enter key.
logLevel string Sets the logging level.
logFile string Sets a file to log messages to.
language string Sets the current language.