
One great idea we've seen recently is trying to replicate web page stylesheets in appJar.

The basic concept behind stylesheets is that different parts of a webpage are given IDs, which are used to style that tag.

The same can be acheived in appJar.

Making the Stylesheet

The stylesheet will consist of a number of dictionaries, each with the relevant style elements:

body = { 
    'font':{'size':14, 'family':'helvetica', 'weight':'normal'},

heading = { 
    'font':{'size':20, 'family':'times', 'weight':'bold', 'underline':True, 'slant':'italic'},

text = { 
    'font':{'size':16, 'family':'times', 'weight':'normal', 'slant':'roman'},
    'width':300 # set the aspect for the message box

Save this with an appropriate name, eg.

Applying the Stylesheet

To apply the stylesheet, you need to import it, and then set-up the IDs:

from appJar import gui 
import style

with gui('Demo Stylesheet', **style.body) as app:
    app.label("Stylesheet Demonstration", **style.heading)
    app.message("This demonstration gives an example of how "
                + "stylesheets can be replicated in appJar.", **style.text)
    app.label("Some other text, without style.")

The IDs are slightly more complicated than regular CSS, but they just mean get the named variable from the style file.
** is special python syntax which unpacks the variable (replaces it with the contents of the dictionary).

Getting Fancy

If you want to take things a bit further, and use a clever name for your stylesheet, you can either:

# stylesheet saved as:
import exampleStylesheet2 as style
import imp
# stylesheet saved as: myAppJarStylesheet.css
style = imp.load_source('style', 'myAppJarStylesheet.css')